The August Registration Officially Closes.

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The Physician Brand Masterclass is a step-by-step practice and brand building online workshop teaching doctors the exact strategies we've used to help some of the most successful physician brands build awareness and drive thought leadership.

  • 1. Discover Your BrandRx Story

    Most patients have no idea what distinguishes one practice from another. Brand Rounds will help you discover who you are as a brand and what differentiates you from other doctors in your specialty.

  • 2. Speak the Patients Language

    Through the Brand Rounds process, you’ll grow to understand what messages will resonate with your ideal patients, and what language will most appeal to them.

  • 3. Build a Trust Platform

    What will it take to build extreme brand loyalty in the hearts and minds of your ideal patients so you can drive revenue, reviews, and referrals? Our process has helped doctors grow their business and build a lifestyle design practice.

Watch Intro Video

Learn how to share your brand story and attract more ideal patients.

Is This Workshop For You?

If you want to deliver marketing that builds patient trust, Brand Rounds is for you.

  • Do you want to attract more ideal patients?

  • Do you want to become the "specialist" within your specialty in the mindset of your ideal patients?

  • Does patient marketing sometimes feel like a money pit?

Workshop Format

Doctors learn in different modalities. Some doctors are more text, visual, and auditory learners. Brand Rounds includes all forms of application learning to "know" the subject matter and the opportunity to "do" within their practice.

  • Objectives & Competency Evaluations

    Explain the value your additional content will bring to a student’s overall learning experience. Use this opportunity to sell potential students on the extra benefits your bonus material provides.

  • Case Studies

    Explain the value your additional content will bring to a student’s overall learning experience. Use this opportunity to sell potential students on the extra benefits your bonus material provides.

  • Action Steps

    Explain the value your additional content will bring to a student’s overall learning experience. Use this opportunity to sell potential students on the extra benefits your bonus material provides.

The Brand Principles, Tactics, and Habits of the Most Successful Doctors.

What you're about to discover has taken years to perfect. We've used what you're about to learn to help create some of the most exclusive physician and dental practices, become a celebrity in certain niches, and help overwhelmed doctors design a blueprint for their lifestyle design brands. Brand Rounds can help almost any healthcare professional clarify their unique brand position, unify their marketing communications, and amplify their patients positive experience across the internet and television. Inside our online course, you will discover secrets such as...

  • How branding is counterintuitive for most physician and dental practices and how "best-practices" can actually be hurting your practice.

  • Why physician and dentist brands are governed by marketing principles that haven't changed in 50 years ... and how you can build a differentiated brand in the mindset of your ideal patients.

  • A compendium of principles, tactics, and high-performing habits from some of the most successful and significant physician and dental practices accumulated from our thousands of client engagements, hundreds of interviews, and collaboration with some of the top creative brand minds in the industry.

  • The proven brand discovery 10 questions we use to launch or rebrand some of the most profitable healthcare and dental practices.

  • We reveal the secret of how to differentiate your practice, and how to avoid the money pit of traditional marketing.

  • A brief "Check-Up" into the mindset of the top healthcare professional brands and why patients prefer them to be exclusive and not inclusive.

  • The absolute best way to create and protect a brand built upon reputation and trust.

  • The single most important thing you must do before you decide to rebuild your website. (We give you exactly what the top healthcare professional brands do so your website will be polarizing to most patients and compelling for your ideal patients.)

  • Learn what no other marketing agency is telling you. The trick is not to change your marketing, the trick is to change yourself so your ideal patients think you’re the only one for them.

  • A little-known but very profitable brand storytelling technique our clients use to catch the attention of local television.